The Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation (ACT) program is a 5 years (2019-2024) project implemented by the British Council and funded by the European Union. The close-out was held on 26th March 2024 at Novotel Hotel Port Harcourt and brought together the implementing partners, MDAs, community leaders, CSO members, and other stakeholders.

The ACT Rivers State Focal person – Temple Oraeki set the floor by stating the aim of the gathering and what should be expected. The ACT National Program Manager in the person of Damilare Babalola talked about the program background, phases, goals, objectives, strategies, key interventions, timelines, results, and impact of the ACT program in Rivers State. It was stated that the project supported 21 CSOs in Rivers State and had 16 learning resources. It was mentioned that increased/persistent security challenges and COVID-19 were some of the challenges that affected implementation. He ended by emphasizing the importance of collaboration.

A special remark was received by the Executive Governor of Rivers State – Sir Sim Fubara ably represented by the permanent secretary, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. A keynote address was received by the project coordinator HYPREP – Prof Nenibarini who was represented by Mrs Josephine Nzide. In addition, goodwill messages were received from the office of the Commissioners of Agriculture, Education and Environment, and donor representatives.

It was time for testimonies from the 21 CSO grantees and community beneficiaries. The CSOs talked about their organizational policy developments, capacity development of staff, inclusion of PWDs in programming, and many others. Some beneficiaries of the programme talked about how the projects has impacted their lives, business and the community at large.

At this point, the participants were entertained by a cultural dance crew.

There was a panel session on experiences working with CSOs, partnerships with the Government, challenges faced by CSOs, and how the CSOs in Rivers State can continue to effectively collaborate with Donors, MDAs, and Media for the greater good of the state. This was moderated by the ED of RINNGOS – Dr Mina Ogbanga. Some of the responses is to re-orientate MDAs on the role of CSO in their work and to integrate more communities during interventions, especially in remote communities.

Recognition and award presentation to 21 CSOs including CHHELD was done by Damilare Babalola – ACT NPM, for their commitment and dedication to ensuring sustainable development in Nigeria.

A commitment pledge was received from the governor’s representative. He commended the program and talked about the readiness of Government partnership with the CSOs. He promised to also convey the message to the governor and expected to hear from him directly, soon.

The next steps/call to action to sustain the results and impact of the ACT program was handled by the ACT component 1 manager – Ifeoma Chukwuma. Some of the calls to action include more collaboration with MDAs, mentoring more CSOs that have not benefitted, exploring online learning platforms, and many others.

Closing remark was done by Temple Oraeki at about 3 pm, saying that this program has enhanced CSOs flexibility in thinking. He also mentioned that if CSOs are well capacitated, the impact will be far-reaching.