Centre for Human Rights, Health, Ethnic Harmony and Livelihood Development (CHHELD) joins the rest of the world to commemorate the 2023 World Environment Day. The theme of this year’s celebration is “Beat Plastic Pollution”.

The world is being inundated by plastics, according to the united Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), more than 400 million tons of plastic is produced every year, half of which is designed to be used only once. Of that, less than 10 percent is recycled. An estimated 19-23 million tons end up in lakes, rivers and seas. Today, plastic clogs our landfills, leaches into the ocean and is combusted into toxic smoke, making it one of the gravest threats to the planet. In Nigeria, over 32 million tons of waste is generated yearly with plastic accounting for 2.5 million tons, according to United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

Plastic waste pollution poses as an environment, safety and health risk. It contributes to diseases and illnesses suffered by individuals ranging from infertilityobesity, diabetesprostate or breast cancer, thyroid problems and increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, among others. Other health conditions linked to plastic additives include reproductive, growth, and cognitive impairment and neurodevelopment disorders.


On this year’s World Environment Day, CHHELD calls for a collaborative effort between government, NGOs and communities to synergize and institute strategies for proper waste management, establishment of drop-off centres in cities and villages within and outside Rivers State, Nigeria for waste collection, separation and recycling of plastic waste. Also, CHHELD is calling on the government across all levels to set up legislation against illegal dumping of waste, especially plastic materials; provide an enabling environment for businesses and organizations advocating and working for a healthier environment, grant tax relief to companies engaged in the production of biodegradable packaging materials and eco-friendly waste disposal; and also collaborate with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs) in their efforts to advocate and sensitize the general public on best approaches to manage plastic waste and thus reduce climate change. 

Plastic pollution in Riverine community of Rivers State, Nigeria. Photocredit: CHHELD

We also use this medium to call on the Rivers State Government and other state governments in Nigeria to make greater efforts in waste management, this can be achieved by the periodic sensitization of citizens, enforcing laws on sanitation, carrying out of weekly or monthly environmental sanitation for the state, provision of equipment, infrastructure and manpower to manage waste.

With partnerships with British Council, European Union, Agents for Citizens-driven Transformation (ACT), Connected Development (CODE), Youth and Environmental Advocacy Centre, We-The-People, Centre for Creative Development Strategies (CCDS) and other NGOs and CBOs, CHHELD has taken steps in sensitizing rural communities and the general public on ways to manage and reduce the adverse effect of climate change, eco-friendly waste management, reduction of open defecation and the risks and dangers of illegal refining of petroleum products. We are currently advocating for the use of re-usable eco-friendly sanitary pads by women in Nigeria. We have leverage on these partnerships to reach out to over 10,000 individuals living in Rivers State.

We believe and agree that there is still more work to be done, and so, CHHELD is setting her pilot campaign titled Community Waste Bank System (COWABASY). This campaign is aimed at the development of a system/framework for community-level sustainable plastic waste management and also advocating for a community-based network system whereby plastic waste can be properly disposed and recycled into profit. This intervention of “waste to wealth” will not reduce plastic waste pollution, but it will also be source of jobs and livelihood for citizens of Nigeria and contribute to the growth and development of communities. CHHELD calls for partnership in order to achieve the goals and objectives of this campaign. We seek partnerships from international bodies, government parastatals, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs).


Dandyson Harry Dandyson

Executive Director, CHHELD 


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