CHHELD attended a One day stakeholders workshop on strengthening the Administration of Criminal Justice Law (ACJL) 2015 in Rivers State. At Algate Hotel, Port Harcourt Rivers State. 24th of May 2022.

 The Purpose of the workshop was to identify pathways to surmounting roadblocks to the effective implementation (enforcement) of the Administration of Criminal Justice Law (ACJL) 2015 in Rivers State in the interest of citizens and residents, who on daily basis require access to justice.

A representative of the Solicitor General & Permanent Secretary ministry of Justice read out the Administration of Criminal Justice Act, 2015 which was signed into law in May, 2015 as enacted by the Federal Government under President Goodluck Jonathan. Representing FIDA, Barrister Mrs Okorite Yobo talked about the challenges ACJL is facing in Nigeria. Addressing illegal arrest and people who make it their job to stand as shortee to people they do not know to be used to grant bail. Also addressing the need to decongest the prison and avoid awaiting trial cases as discussed during a training between the police and FIDA. She also addressed some observations which includes the fear of Nigerians in reporting cases to the police and the impatience on the side of the police. According to her there is a need for all hands to be on deck as it is one thing to follow the law in book and another thing to implement it.

The possibility of  a innocent person serving the sentence of a defaulter was also raised.

Deputy Commandant Steven of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps made a comment agreeing to that statement but pointed out that due to the Nigerian factor the implementation of the law in the Nothern part of the country differs from that of the south. As regrards to unlawful detention,bail and arrest. It is possible that authorites in the police station isn’t aware of such act. In conclusion, the need for FIDA,Security agencies & CSO’s working together is important to ensure that ACJL works as it was intended to promote and ensure transparency in criminal justice sector.

Questions were asked: Why is bail not free but its written even in the station that bail is free?

Emmanuel Opkara ESQ, addressed the question saying it can be challenged since bail is supposed to be free according to the law.

Mr Courage Nsirimovu Esq talked about the Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law and enlightened the attendees of the need to protect their fundamental human rights.

Citing that civic Space is about Fundamental Human Rights Nigerians have to exercise and the issues we encounter during the exercise of these rights.

Practical Steps to carry out:

. An audience with the Nigerian Police to inform them of some of the laws and activites they might be unaware of.

. Visit to prison to ascertain the level of compliance as regards the ACJL and proffer solutions to decongest the prison facilities.

. Visit NSCDC over burning of products instead of using proper disposal methods.. Campaign in rural communities to create awareness on their Fundamental Human Rights, functions of legal aid council and what to do when they get arrested.

FIDA representative, Okorite Yobo making a presentation during the workshop organized by Watch Cluster Rivers State.
Deputy Commandant Steven responding to Questions at the workshop.
A Group photograph of participants at the workshop training organized by Civic Space Watch Cluster Rivers State.

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