The SCALE Webinar on Leveraging Diversity and inclusion for organizational growth was organized by the Palladium under the Strengthening Civic Advocacy and Local Engagement (SCALE) project, and funded by USAID. The webinar was hosted on Microsoft teams on 30th day of January, 2024. In attendance to the webinar were participants from NGOs, CSOs, CBOs and Private organizations. Representing CHHELD were David Prince, Program officer and Patience Ojoko, Project Assistant.


The workshop was facilitated by Mrs. Evelyn Ugbe, the Vulnerable population manager, Palladium. She   welcomed participants and shared an overview webinar.


The learning objective of webinar were: 

a. Understanding and discussion the concept of diversity and inclusion

b. Apply the concept of diversity and inclusion in strengthening organizational policy

c. Develop contextual checklist for mainstreaming diversity and inclusion


Mrs. Evelyn Ugbe stated that organizations practicing diversity and inclusion is beneficial to the growth of the organization. Diversity involves encompassing all the different differences that make us, humans unique, including but not limited to race, color, ethnicity, language, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, gender, socio-economic status, age and physical and mental ability. Inclusion involves bringing together and harnessing diverse forces and resources in such a way that is beneficial. Inclusion puts the concept and practice of diversity into action by creating an environment of involvement, respect and connection where the richness of ideas, backgrounds and perspectives are harnessed to create business value and overall success. Inclusion is the deliberate act of welcoming diversity and creating an environment where all different kinds of people can thrive and succeed. Inclusion makes every member of the team feel safe and encouraged to fully participate, share and be on equal footing.


Some reasons for embracing diversity include befriending all people, empathy, showing compassion and understanding everyone’s narrative.  Diversity and inclusion (D & I) is the harmonization of multiple talents, perspectives to achieve organizations goals and objectives, it strengthens interaction with external community and constituency and It also encourages unique perspectives within the organization for organizational growth and performance     


It is important to have inclusive culture where every member in a team have a sense of belonging. 

Characteristics of inclusive working environment include:

1. it is a welcoming and friendly environment

2. it honors the unique need s of staff members, regardless of where they work or how they work.

3. Assisting staff and colleagues in working together, getting buy-in for change and building a shared vision for the company.

4. Representing the wide range of needs, perspectives and attributes of all staff in the organization.

5. Seeking the fullest potential in each staff member and not making assumptions about their capabilities.

6. Ensuring that all voices are heard and final processes can accommodate unique perspectives and ideas.

7. Planning for the diverse range of stakeholders within a project who might be impacted by the project deliverables.


The characteristics of a non-inclusive working environment

1. Non-welcoming and un-friendly environment

2. Expecting staff to only perform in a certain way and to meet expectations despite various obstacles

3. Limited engagement with staff, forced changes with little opportunity to learn and grow, forced compliance

4. Only working with likeminded or similar groups of individuals who share the same beliefs and goals

5. Seeing staff and colleagues as only a means to an end, not as people.

6. Only listening to like-minded individuals or certain personality types because it easier

7. Having a narrow vision of what success looks like and whom the beneficiaries will be


The final session of the webinar was facilitated by Mr. Apir Lazarus. It was a reflection session and a call to action for organizations to discuss and document diversity in their team, evaluate the level of D&I practiced in the organization and reflect on ways D&I may have been overlooked in the organizations, which has limited the growth of the organization. CSO members were also practice D&I as it encourages unique perceptive within the organization for growth and performance. When employees are actively engaged, it fosters an inclusive culture, which leads to staff retention. Diversity and inclusion also serve as an accountability tool, It attracts grants as donors are interested on how diversity and inclusion is being practiced in the organization; if policies are put in place to address D&I.


Knowledge received from the webinar will contribute to the already existing diversity and gender equality and social inclusion framework practiced by CHHELD, where staff, beneficiaries and all stakeholders are dually considered for equal opportunity, regardless of their gender, race, religion, socio-economic status, etc.


The webinar came to a close with questions and contributions.   


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