Communities in Degema & Asari-Toru LGA have started working towards promoting an inclusive framework that Local Government Administrators are adopting by selecting 32 persons, both men, women and PLWD to be trained and constituted as Advocates for Local Government Accountability and Transparency (ALAT) Team. The purpose of this training is to empower or equip the 32 community based persons(ALAT Team members) selected from four communities of Ido, Sama, Ipokuma and Obuama to be in the front of driving accountability, transparency, participatory governance at the local government and attract development to their communities.
The 2 days capacity training organized by CHHELD started with the first session delivered by Dr. Frank Etim of the Department of Political Science, University of Uyo. The topic was Local Government Political and Administrative Structures and Local Government Accountability and Transparency Processes. Dr. Frank also took sessions on Duties/Responsibilities of Local Government Authorities, the benefits of a Community Development Hand book and the Use of Freedom of Information ACT. All sessions were started with a pre-test administered on the 32 participants.
The objectives of the session included;
1) To ensure participants understand the essence of transparency.
2) To enable participants drive accountability in LGAs.
3) How to take advantage of the FOI-ACT.
Mr. Ikpe Onyenkwere, a retired Director of Budget in the Rivers State ministry of budget and Planning had the 2nd session on Local Government Finance and Project Planning. Budget, Budgeting Process and Project Reporting.
The objectives of his session were:
1) To equip participants with the knowledge of Operations of the Local Government Council/budgeting Process and how to ensure accountability and Transparency in budget implementation.
2) To empower the participants with necessary skills for; Mobilizing community members for productive engagement with Local Government councils on inclusive governance, Making inputs in Local Government Council Development Plans and Budget. And Monitoring and Evaluation of budget.
The session on Gender and Social Inclusion was handled by Nancy Iheduru on Friday, 8th April. Her session started by 2pm.
The following were her objectives;
1) To acquaint participants with practical and theoretical knowledge of; Gender and Social Mainstreaming
2) Importance of Gender and Social Inclusion in community development.
3) Disadvantages of discrimination based on Gender or social status, including persons living with disability.
The last session of the training on Friday, 8th April, 2022, was Community Advocacy, Mobilization and Citizens rights and ways communities can mobilize and demand for Development from Local Government Authorities by Ken Henshaw Executive Director ‘We The People’.
The training recorded success with a 100% attendance of all 32 participants and ALAT members, resource persons and media persons from Nigeria Info Port Harcourt.
• Capacity building and Training of 32 Community Persons: Citizens of Asari Toru and Degema Local Government Areas of Rivers State have increased awareness of good governance this can be verified from the pre and post test administered to them
• ALAT members have begun to engage their community and the LGA by making their communities to write introductory letters to the LGA requesting participation and inclusive governance from LGAs using their community letter headed paper.

Dr Franks Presentation on duties/responsibilities of Local Government and the benefit of Community Development Handbook (That contains community laws, customs and traditions, community assets and process of leadership successions etc).