The event which started at 9AM had civil society organizations (CSOs), Media Personnel’s and Community representatives from Rivers States in attendance. The programme Manager Climate Campaign CAPPA, Olamide Martins welcomed participants and Introduced the program and stated reasons why this one day dialogue was important to get first hand information about the soot issues and actions that have been taken or should be taken to address it in port harcourt.
Philip Jakpor, Director of Programs CAPPA then further explained to the participants CAPPAS reason for convening the meeting and the importance of collaboratively working together to address the soot menace in Rivers state and other states of the federation.
The executive Director and Founder of We the people Ken Henshaw delivered a presentation on the topic ”The role of Fossil Fuels Industry in Soot Pollution”. The objective was to abreast participants with a clearer understanding of how corporations have and continue to harm the Man,the environment and the climate through reckless extraction and corrupt practices. He advocated to the total stoppage of all extractive activities.#Leave the oil in the ground.
Emem Okon of Kebetkache women Development Centre rendered a presentation on the topic titled ”Soot in Rivers State Community Perspectives”. The objective of this presentation was for participants to get a grasp of what community people especially women experience including health impacts.
Aderonke Ige Associate Director CAPPA anchored a session tagged ‘‘Holding Big Polluters Liable and Relevant Tools to Make it Happen”. Participants were exposed to the tools that governments,communities and impacted persons can exploit to hold Big Pollutants to account.Tools such as the Petroleum Industry Act (PIA), Rivers state soot Bill and its potentials, UN resolution 48/13, clean, healthy and sustainable environment is a human right, etc
At the end of the program, participants resolved to partner and collectively advocate for a home grown solution to this menace.